Greater Amberjack: Another Side to the King of Grill
Where we come from this silverish beauty has always been regarded as a highly esteemed fish and as such prepared in many ways. Recently, even in sushi!
How is it traditionally prepared in Dalmatia?
Let’s first remember how our elders traditionally prepared it, especially in the southern Adriatic where it can be found in large and numerous schools. A grown, mature amberjack usually weighs about five kilos, but some caught specimens were known to weigh up to eighty kilos. Young amberjacks in the first two years weigh up to two kilos and live in schools. Here we call them felun or žutej as the young ones seem to be more yellow than the adult ones. They taste best cut into slices and grilled but prior to grilling should be marinated with olive oil and spices. It can also be prepared in the oven. We recommend serving it together with a warm salad made of vegetables from the soup (so don’t hesitate to add an extra carrot or potato).
Amberjack in sushi
Given the fact it swims in all oceans, amberjack is also present in the cuisine of the far East. However, they don’t grill it, rather use it to make sushi, especially in the autumn as in Japan sushi is a seasonal dish. Therefore, they prepare it from seasonal ingredients and amberjacks tend to be the most delicious in the autumn. The most valuable part of the amberjack is the part behind the head and above the belly. In our restaurant you can try it in several combinations – Agemaki fantasy, Rainbow roll, Hamachi Sashimi, Hamachi Maki and Hamachi Nigiri. We have realized the value of this fish a long time ago and in the preparation of sushi we dare not defy the original Japanese recipe.
A treasury of health
Why would we when amberjack is known to be a top notch fish: the meat is rich with proteins and low in fat which makes it particularly suitable for everyone fighting with cholesterol regulation.
Come by for a tasty amberjack bite and we’ll make sure to raise your expectations of this excellent fish without raising the temperature by putting up the fire for the grill!