How familiar are you with sushi etiquette?
Those who are familiar with Japanese culture know the rules there do not exist to be broken. With that in mind we serve you a sushi etiquette must-knows to enjoy fully in the traditional Japanese dish!
Myth #1: Sushi is meant to be eaten with chopsticks
The truth: Sushi is meant to be eaten with hands
The chopsticks are frequently used to eat sushi, but in Japan the custom is to do it by hand. However, this has proven to be tricky with sashimi and practically impossible with uramaki. Therefore the chopsticks have become established as a perfectly acceptable cutlery for the consumption of all dishes. Conclusion: even if you’re not skilled with the chopsticks, skip the knife and fork and dig in with your fingers like a proper Japanese.
Myth #2: Sushi is to be dipped in soy sauce prior to consumption
The truth: Rice is not to be dipped in the soy sauce, ever
Sushi is packed with harmonious flavors that are easily dominated by the soy sauce. So we advise you to handle it carefully. In fact, you should know only fish is dipped in and discretely because the idea is to enhance umami and not mask the taste of the dish. It’s best to apply the soy sauce with the help of ginger. This way you’ll have full control over the creation of an optimal taste palette. Wasabi, on the other hand, is to be applied carefully with the chopstick only on the fish. In case you wonder why, it’s because the rice absorbs too much sauce and prevents an even distribution of the wasabi. For this reason it’s best to leave the rice untouched. Neutral as it is, it becomes the best counterpart to the sensational flavors of the spicy rolls.
Myth #3: Sushi is to be eaten in one bite
The truth: Yes, but there is the right side to start from
If you’re about to eat nigiri, you have to know that the fish is to be the first to touch the tongue. In other words, the rice should never be tasted first because this ruins the taste of the carefully prepared delicacy. The most important thing, however, is to eat your piece in one bite without cutting, breaking or tearing the layers. If our chef sees you do it, don’t cry for help!
Myth #4: The order of eating is not important
The truth: There must be order!
If you think the Japanese are tolerant of anarchy, think twice. You should always start eating sushi with the mild pieces and make your way to the most spicy ones. The last bite should be a refreshing one, consisting of vegetables and not fish. There must be order in between the bites too: don’t throw in roll after roll, rather refresh your palate with seasoned ginger (but don’t overdo otherwise you’ll get it numb). If we were to give you a general advice on anything related to Japan, it would be to develop a sense of measure and to respect order.
Myth #5: The best drink to have with sushi is sake? Or rice wine?
The truth: Tea. Only tea.
Yap, you read it right. Your palate craves for something soothing after a firework of spices. Nonetheless, you wouldn’t want to wash out the taste of fish or compromise the aftertaste. However, we know who we’re dealing with. So instead of tea we’ll offer you a rich wine list packed with top notch wines that will complement your sushi bites perfectly.
You know all the rules now so don’t hesitate to book your table and enjoy the sushi ceremony as a true expert!