Sea and citrus fruits, condors and seagulls: Our ceviche tells all the stories
You see a seagull, but hear Pan’s flute playing El Condor Pasa? That’s what it’s like when all your senses are overwhelmed by our divine ceviche…
Our passion is to create wonders out of raw seafood. A passion and a challenge at the same time. The challenge we can’t nor want to resist. Despite the fact our restaurant is called Adriatic Sushi, we are in constant pursuit of ways to make the best out of the tasty seafood one can find in the Adriatic. We search for inspiration on the coastal Mediterranean as much as in imperial Japan, and on that voyage we gladly take any route the good wind points at. On the wings of the magnificent condor, we glided all the way to Peru, where the Pan’s flute sang the magic words to us: ceviche… ceviche… ceviche!
Condor knows
Hypnotized by the song of the indigenous people, we wanted to learn everything. How to choose the best pieces; what citrus to use to marinate and get the essence of the sea force; to what extent enrich the tradition with the benefits of modern times and not astray on the wrong path of unnecessary inventions and futile discovering of New Americas; what spices to use; how to decorate; what to offer a guest so they can see immediately they are eating an authentic and yet unique and original dish.
That’s it
And then, finally, after many attempts and failures, we have succeeded, and in the bowl, there was, well – that. The dish that makes you yell, “Heureka! That’s it!”
“So, what do you think of it?” the chef asked seemingly worried but with an obvious, smug smile across his face.
The words were not necessary; that went to the menu straight away.
The best of all worlds
And why wouldn’t it? The Adriatic tuna couldn’t wait to splash in the Pacific Ocean of the finest spices and aromas. The Adriatic bass followed, like a true follower, and shrimps and scallops asked to join in on the first scent of the overripe orange. In the orange juice, they will be treated without the threatening hissing of flames. The Mediterranean herbs adapted to the newcomers pretty fast, and learned the native language of the Peruvian tribes in no time. Cashew nuts volunteered to spice the atmosphere up and enrich the texture. Pickled onions found the citrus fruits long lost brothers, and together they immediately made a spectacle that soon led to perversions. Puff! Balsamic beads! Puff! Purple onion cream! Puff! Black olive powder! Puff! Gin iced tea and oyster juice! And in the end, as Japan sent its blessings, our ceviche was decorated by scattered beads with a yuzu aroma.
Before one even gets a chance to ask ¿Que pasa?, the answer is already there:
¡El condor pasa!
Fly on the wings of the condor, book your table, and try our ceviche tonight. It may ask a thousand questions, but in return, it will give you all the answers