The scallop shell – A highly esteemed and pricey shell
You may also know this shell of an exotic fan shape and a refined taste under the fancy name of Coquille St. Jacques.
An endemic species from the Adriatic Sea
This extraordinary and beautiful shell resides on the muddy bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, one can find it where the rivers meet the sea. North Adriatic is famous for having the most significant number of high-quality scallop shells. They are seen as fairly peculiar for their ability to swim by suddenly opening and closing the shell, creating a sudden thrust. This, however, is not enough to get it far, so the shell can be found only in the Adriatic which makes it an endemic species. It usually grows up to 15 cm and has shells that differ – the upper one is straight and reddish while the bottom one is bright and curved. Due to its beautiful appearance, it is often used as decoration throughout the Mediterranean. Thanks to an oil company that embraced it as its logo, the scallop has become widely recognizable.
A vital part of the finest and tastiest seafood mix
Due to the peculiar appearance and delicious meat hidden inside the fans, the scallop shell is usually consumed only slightly seasoned with olive oil, parsley, and garlic. Sometimes a drop of cognac is added to enhance the softness and tenderness of the meat. In our restaurant, we have decided to serve it as a part of a fresh seafood mix marinated in citrus zest. That’s why our ceviche is as tasty as the original, if not more! Besides the scallop shells, it hides tuna, Gillardeau oysters, shrimp meat, and other local ingredients to sweep you off your feet. Come by our restaurant and find out what flavors our chef combined into this tempting meal.
Visit us and taste all the secrets that reside inside this mighty shell.